Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need to be a member of Community Bible Church to join the Academy? What are the requirements in South Carolina to homeschool legally?

Answer:  Yes, at least one parent must be an active member of CBC. If you do not meet this requirement, please do not fill out registration forms. Click here for CBCCA application and requirements.

2. How do I pick a curriculum for my student?

Answer:  Good question! There are many great resources out there and each family is unique. We recommend that you speak to other home educators and ask what has worked for them. A good way to do this is at the monthly home school support meetings, or the CBCCA Home School Blog. Most parents know their children best, and can therefore determine not only which program to use, but also which form of curriculum will best suit their students.

3. Do we need to join HSDLA every year?

Answer:  Membership in HSLDA is optional. CBCCA has a group number that you can use to get a discount on the annual membership fee. Email Claudia Gay at for the number.

4. When are progress reports due?

Answer:  Progress reports for all students are due on November 30th, February 28th, and June 15th.

5. What is a progress report and what must be provided in your progress report?

Answer:  Included in the CBCCA Handbook is a sample of a progress report. You may also look at and download sample progress reports here. Please note that a list of courses taken for the year does not constitute a progress report.

  • List Community Bible Church Christian Academy, along with the student’s name, grade and the date of the progress report.
  • It should reflect dates which you have homeschooled and the total number of days of instruction. We are required to have 180 days instruction each year. Please show this in your progress report.
  • List the subjects studied, a brief description of each course, curriculum and books used and an indicator of how the student is doing in each course. Examples are a narrative explaining his progress, a grade or an indication such as satisfactory or unsatisfactory progress. Please follow the Uniform Grading Scale for High School Students as required by South Carolina law.
  • Include a sample of assigned work for each subject as appropriate.
  • A sample of your plan book for that reporting period.
  • If the student has fulfilled all the requirements for the school year and is ready for the next grade level, the parent must provide a statement showing this on the last progress report of the year.
  • For students third grade and above, please provide a copy of their standardized achievement test as a part of their permanent record.
6. What are transcripts and when are they due?

Answer: A high school transcript is a copy of a permanent academic record which usually means all courses taken and all grades received. CBCCA requires each teacher to prepare their student’s official transcripts. You will begin a running transcript when your student begins taking high school courses which can begin as early as 8th grade. These should be started during the students’ freshman year and kept up-to-date for use when it is time to apply for colleges.

Parents must turn in transcripts in addition to progress reports for high school students (9th-12th grade) twice a year. Transcripts are due on December 31st and May 24th for Seniors and December 31st and May 30th for all other high school students. Please note: Year-round schedule is not permitted unless approved by Pastor Broggi.

7. For graduating students, how do I prepare an official transcript?

Answer: Each instructor is responsible for preparing their students’ official transcripts. After completing the transcript, you need to bring it to the church office for Pastor Broggi’s signature and to be reviewed and marked “Official Transcript.” Please bring several copies when applying to different colleges. As a reminder, it is your responsibility to see that these are mailed in a timely manner with respect to college admission deadlines. Sample transcripts and more detailed information is provided in the CBCCA Handbook. You may also look at and download sample transcripts here.

8. Can my high school student graduate early if he/she has enough credits?

Answer:  No, your student must complete four years of high school as long as he/she is a member of CBCCA. Please see CBCCA graduation requirements.

9. When is CBCCA graduation?

Answer: Graduation is Friday May 31st 2013.

10. Can my high school student take classes at the local college and count them as high school credit?

Answer:  Yes, your high school student can take classes and count them as high school credit. You must follow the guidelines in the CBCCA Handbook.

11. Who do I contact to get more information or to join the Academy?

Answer: If you are a member of Community Bible Church, call the church office to get more information: 843-525-0089.

12. What about standardized testing?

Answer: For 3rd grade and up CBCCA requires standardized testing. Please make sure to sign up for the CBCCA Blog to get information about available testing in the spring. Full testing information is provided in the CBCCA Handbook.

  • An option is the PASS Test which you may administer yourself for children from 3rd through 8th grade.
  • Another option for 4th grade & up is the Stanford or Iowa Achievement Tests.
  • CBCCA encourages students to take the PSAT, SAT and ACT exams in junior high and high school.